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The National Archives

Making 1,000 years of e-learning easy to access

The National Archives is the official archive of the UK government for England and Wales. It holds some of the nation's most iconic documents, dating back more than 1,000 years.


adaptiVLE was tasked with consolidating The National Archives' three existing LMS sites into one single managed platform. There was also a requirement to create a sandbox environment for internal testing and development.

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The project is a true partnership with The National Archives. adaptiVLE not only built the LMS, but also provided platform training to administrators and course creators to allow them to develop and host their own learning content. Our partnership includes ongoing training and consultancy and course design with TNA.

Dual audience
The primary aim of The National Archives learning platform is to deliver online training to staff and stakeholders within the organisation. However, there was a stipulation that it was future-proofed to also deliver courses to members of the public.

Single sign-on
The platform integrates with The National Archives' existing systems, providing a single sign-on solution to allow staff access to all of their services. It also features auto-enrolment and account creation, ideal for new starters.

If you're looking for a Learning Management System and the ability to create online courses yourself, contact adaptiVLE and discover what we can do for you.

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